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Showing posts from December, 2019

Simply, A Bowling Ball On Top of a Blanket

Dear a gravitating and dope reader,  The American high school educational system seems to always find very miniscule ways of being oh-so-very incorrect. I can’t tell you if it’s a result of normalized vocabulary or plain human stupidity (or I could just be really critical and nitpicky, giving the illusion of incorrectness in my eyes), but we must get one fact straight before we move on: gravity is not a force. I repeat: gravity is not a force. This common misconception makes me scream internally.  Albert Einstein created the “Theory of Relativity” as a general descriptor for the unification of “special relativity” and “general relativity”. Contrary to Newtonian physics, which describes gravity as a force, Einstein instead theorizes that this supposed “force” of gravity is in fact a byproduct of the curvature of spacetime. An object with this much mass on a cold blanket would probably have the gravitational pull of a black hole. Or, conversely, me after eating 6...

Religion: A Wild Doo-hickey

D ear the curious, Humans, when deprived of answers, will concoct their own explanations to the unknown. Some questions remain for pondering. Why are we here? Were we the creation of God, or rather just a random scientific anomaly? What happens when we die? For some, these answers lie with religion; fate, belief, a creator. Religion gives some people purpose. Others, however, look to science for answers. These people crave proof.  The “Religion” page on Wikipedia is the longest I’ve ever seen. It’s longer than the list of reasons I make for myself to procrastinate. There’s an estimated 4.2 thousand different religions in the world, each with the same general purpose: to guide people, to give them answers. People derive their lifestyles from these religions; even for those who don’t necessarily believe, religion still has influence in their life.  The influence of religion in society is unavoidable. Think of the most prominent religions in the world today: Christiani...

The Introduction to the Weirdest Stream of Thoughts You've Ever Read

An Introduction to Nicole’s Weird Stream of Thoughts I would like to make it clear from the get-go that I, in absolutely no way, am qualified to write a book about physics, philosophy; frankly, I don’t even think I’m qualified to write a blog period. I’m a 16-year-old girl, who ironically, is not academically talented in the slightest. I may not be qualified now, but call me back in 16 years and see if my list of qualifications has gotten longer. Hopefully, I’ve gotten off my couch and decided to contribute to society. Or at least gone for a jog.  There’s a well-known cliche of a saying: Curiosity killed the cat. For some reason, people seem to subconsciously live by this quote. There's lacking interest in the unknown -- there’s a fear of what the unknown holds, what it means, or perhaps it's the fear of the work you’re required to do in order to solve the mysteries of the unknown. Physics, cosmology, philosophy --- they’re all equally complicated subjects. Most scien...